Our beliefs matter


Beliefs are conclusions we come to based on our experiences, upbringing, culture and education. They are conscious and subconscious. They form part of our value-system, our perspective on life.

What you believe becomes your thoughts
Thoughts create words
Words create actions
Actions create habits
Habits create values
Values create direction

Whether we like it or not, our beliefs direct and influence our lives, even if those beliefs are not in our best interest. Most of the time, we are not consciously aware of the beliefs that drive our behaviour and decision-making. Over 90% of the time, we are influenced by beliefs that are outside of our awareness (subconscious).

It is the core limiting beliefs that matter. They are core in the sense that they are central to our life – who we think we are, how we relate to others, our work and how we go about looking after ourselves. They are limiting because they hold us back from enjoying happy, confident lives – from going after our goals and our dreams, or from just feeling content with who we are.

I am not good enough
I don’t deserve to have what I want
I don’t love my body
I am unloveable
I am unworthy

It is these powerful subconscious core limiting beliefs that are important to work with - to identify and shift. As Albert Einstein said, you can’t solve a problem with the level of thinking that created it. I use an interactive approach for facilitating change that combines some contemporary and some ancient methods, stemming from neuroscience research, along with mind/body medicine.

Part of the process also involves a person settling on new self-supportive beliefs in place of the self-sabotaging ones. And taking action in life based on these new beliefs. Action steps remind me of practicing a new times-table over and over until the brain can recite it automatically.

Join me on this magical journey of beliefs

"PSYCH-K® is one of the most important advances in helping our civilization evolve, due to its effectiveness, authenticity and speed. Every aspect of it is mind boggling."

Bruce Lipton - Author The Biology of Belief
