Confusion/lack of clarity


Are you like me?


At certain points, I have known what I wanted to change. I knew that I needed to learn how to fully express myself as an adult. I knew that I wanted to create a business connected to my passion and my purpose. But I didn’t know how to make those changes happen.

Or, I have had no idea what it is that I wanted to change. Imagine this person.

My life seems pretty successful and fulfilling. My professional life is rewarding and busy. I have cherished friends and family, passionate hobbies and interests. But, when I finish my yoga or other exercise in the early morning and grab my coffee to go – when I get into bed at night and close my eyes – I have this nagging feeling that won’t go away. It is a feeling that tells me there must be something more to my life than this; a feeling that I am not living the life that is truly connected to my heart; a feeling that I have so much more to offer and share with the world. But I don’t know the what or the how.

Perhaps you are also someone who has continually settled for mediocre in your work or personal life. You haven’t wanted to or known how to push beyond what you do just to survive life. Your work has paid the bills – filled up your week and not been particularly fulfilling. Opportunities seem to have come and gone like the seasons and you have felt a bit like a bystander watching them pass by, more often than not with a solid reason to justify your indecision and complacency. But, all the while, a frustration builds inside – a frustration that won’t go away.

Lack of clarity and confusion muddy the waters. It can be hard to separate ourselves from these situations I have described:

To know where you are right now
To create a picture of what you want to create
To use your senses to embrace this different life
To understand what is holding you back
To be able to access your strengths that will take you there
To make the connections and have the resources at your fingertips to bring this different life to fruition.

We all need mentors, guides, facilitators and collaborators. We all need to help each other realise our dreams instead of keeping them hidden.

Reaching out to someone who knows this path is the first step,