Mindset Masterclass
Are you feeling uninspired
Stuck and a little Blah about your life?
Finding connection, motivation and meaning in this crazy 2022 world
What: 90-min Mindset Masterclass
When: Wednesday July 20th, 7:30pm – 9:00pm
Where: Online (via Zoom)
Price: $27.00
Can’t attend? Enroll anyway and receive access to the recording
Whether you are feeling stuck and unfocused, anxious or lost. Or just feeling that you are dragging yourself through each day. It is understandable. There is so much negative noise around us at present.
You can learn to change the lens through which you look at life.
As someone who made the impossible possible in their life; someone who used mindset with their health; someone who managed an adult life without needing a wheelchair. I am sharing some of my mindset magic that helped me shift my perspective and refocus.
I call it being emotionally fit! We keep our bodies fit. We keep our minds active. What if you could build emotional muscle? To react and respond differently to life. To be able to tap into connection, confidence and calm.
Find out how in this purpose-built Masterclass.
What others say about Elissa
Michelle Johns
Elissa helped me with my limiting beliefs that were holding me back in my business. The techniques and strategies that Elissa used were effective and fast and assisted me to move forward with my goals with confidence. I had breakthroughs after my first session with some blocks that were holding me back. Elissa supported me to create my own strategies that were practical and easy to implement into my life.
Sam – practitioner
I had the pleasure of working with Elissa in a clinical setting. She is an amazing complimentary medicine practitioner (and a person!), and someone who has a phenomenal grasp of the human condition. Elissa’s ability to understand what drives people and what limits an individual really helps people positively change.
Christine – University Lecturer
I am grateful to have crossed paths with Elissa. In my experience, Elissa uses her life experience and wisdom to empower others. Drawing on different modalities and asking the right questions, Elissa helped me identify underlying challenges and issues to behaviours I wished to shift. Her wisdom and awareness meant she could navigate an approach and at a pace that suited me as an individual, leading me on a journey of effective change. Always, open, honest, pragmatic and compassionate, Elissa is a gem!